Profit from America's Decay

Written By Jimmy Mengel

Posted September 22, 2014

America’s foundation is rotting away… and it breaks my heart.

We were once the single most powerful country in the world, with government, infrastructure, and military that were the envy of countries all over the globe. We set an example of prosperity and leadership that was unrivaled. But now countries like Australia and Canada currently outrank us in terms of simple living conditions.

Essentially, we’re a joke…

While America is still home to most billionaires in the entire world, none of our cities rank for the most livable in the world. Much of that is due to our hideously disfigured infrastructure. To simply say that America’s infrastructure is in trouble is like calling leprosy a case of dry skin.

Things are well beyond trouble territory and approaching serious catastrophe…

Just check out some of these facts:

  • An astounding 63,000 bridges across the United States are in urgent need of repair.
  • A third of our roads are in “substandard condition”. A third of automobile deaths can be attributed to “substandard road conditions, obsolete road designs, or roadside hazards.”
  • In a ranking of the world’s top 100 airports, the U.S. didn’t even crack the top 30. In fact, the San Fransisco International Airport was the only U.S. airport in the top 50.
  • Over 4,000 of our dams are at risk of failure.
  • U.S. sewer systems spew over a trillion gallons of raw sewage each and every year — at an estimated cost of $50 billion. In fact, some sewer lines in Detroit were installed in the mid-19th century!

All told, the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the U.S. an overall “D” for infrastructure. Now, I’ve meant plenty of “D” students in my years, and I’ll tell ya: I sure as hell don’t want them building my bridges.

These problems are going to take an absolute fortune to repair — and we’re far behind schedule. The American Society of Civil Engineers contends that we’d need $3.6 trillion by 2020 to keep transportation infrastructure in a good state of repair.

Needless to say, we’re going to have to get to work quick.

But our bridges and roads aren’t the real imminent threat. There is one part of our infrastructure that is worse off than anyone would dare to imagine. We don’t hear about it because it’s buried deep underground… but I assure you the danger is real.

In fact, one expert has already called them “ticking time bombs”…

I’m talking about our gas and oil pipelines. They are in such disrepair that many experts are raising alarms that they are seriously dangerous. When a pipe is left corroding for decades, gas and oil leak out of the pipe and create a toxic death trap for anyone traveling above these pipelines.

“It’s inevitable that as pipelines age, as they are exposed to the elements, eventually they are going to spill,” according to Tony Iallonardo of the National Wildlife Federation. “They’re ticking time bombs.”

But this is not just an environmental problem. It is a serious threat to all of us who travel. We’re literally driving, walking, and operating trains over MILES of land mines. When those pipes go bad, it only makes news if something catastrophic happens…

For example, while many residents of San Bruno, California were coming home on their daily commute, a massive explosion rocked the downtown area. A local gas station had literally exploded, sending a plume of flames over 300 feet in the air.

It was an explosion so fierce and mighty that the folks in earshot thought an airplane had just crashed downtown.

The blast killed eight people, injured dozens more and destroyed 38 homes. Just look at the explosion and the resulting wreckage…

san bruno

What caused this hideous and deadly explosion?

A ruptured natural gas pipe. And this wasn’t some freak accident. There have been countless explosions resulting from rotting infrastructure and dated techniques. Here are a few of them:

  • August 2000: In New Mexico, a natural gas pipeline exploded, killing 10 people — including five children. The blast made a crater 86 feet long, 46 feet wide, and 20 feet deep. The pipeline was first installed in 1950.
  • February 2011: In Allentown, Pennsylvania, a natural gas pipeline exploded and killed five people. The faulty pipeline was installed in 1928.
  • December 2012: a transmission line exploded, destroying four houses in West Virginia. “The fire melted the interstate and it looked like lava, just boiling.” The investigation cited “corrosion” as the cause of the blast.

The last blast is what we’re seriously concerned about today. Corrosion is public enemy number one for these meltdowns.

According to a ProPublica investigation: “Corrosion has caused between 15 and 20 percent of all reported “significant incidents”, which is bureaucratic parlance for an incident that resulted in a death, injury or extensive property damage. That’s over 1,400 incidents since 1986.”

What is the main culprit in corrosion?


Good old fashioned rust. And while you’ve probably seen plenty of rust on your Uncle’s old pickup truck and that ancient lawnmower locked away somewhere in that old shed out back, this kind of super rust makes these pipelines ripe for even more of these dangerous explosions.

But this isn’t a matter of scrubbing the rust off. This problem is far too massive. 

There are over 2.5 MILLION miles of pipelines across America — and over half of them were built before Richard Nixon took office. And it’s not just America… a recent IEA report estimated that over 70% of the remaining oil and gas reserves in the world are highly corrosive.

Just look at how much corrosion costs us:


It’s over half of our defense costs! This market is absolutely massive, yet there are only a few companies that are contracted to fight the corrosion. 

The most recent catastrophes have finally caught on in the mainstream news, and the powers that be are going to have to fix them to save face. And as I mentioned, we’re talking about trillions of dollars in repairs that will be funded by tax-payers.

When I hear about that kind of money, I want to know exactly where it’s going…

Since rust is the primary cause for these explosions and collapses, I wanted to track down the companies that are exclusively taking on the rust issue. You see, while you could invest in pipeline makers, gas companies,  and ‘kick-the-can’ infrastructure projects… the real solution here is preventing the rust from ever forming in the first place.

And there is one company that has revolutionized a new technology to make rust a thing of the past — and make early investors rich beyond their wildest dreams…

You see, the 80-cent company we’ve uncovered has found the answer to ending rust — forever. I’m not blowing smoke here. These guys have revolutionized the technique for coating pipes, planes — even spaceships — to the point where rust is as common as a man landing on the moon.

They have finally mastered their “mini-sun” process that uses a high-intensity lamp to bond any material known to man onto metal.

This tiny company already has 13 patents, nine industry awards, and even a secured NASA contract to protect these vital pipes and metals from rust. Its process is 40 times faster, 20% cheaper, and 100 times more environmentally friendly than any competitor.

In fact, it could totally corner this $1.2 trillion market all by itself. 

Nick now has the entire analyst report available to Early Advantage subscribers. Say goodbye to rust, and hello to 86 times your money.

PS: Meet Me at The World MoneyShow Toronto — October 16-18, 2014!

Come join us in beautiful downtown Toronto as I join Outsider Club founder Nick Hodge and our Wealth Daily colleague Christian DeHaemer in a round-table discussion about the most overlooked investment trends of the 2010s.

I’ll also be giving a solo presentation about Market Crash Investing. We’ll all be available for questions and discussions as well. You’ll also be able to rub elbows with financial luminaries like Peter Schiff of Euro-Pacific Capital and Roger Conrad of the Capitalist Times.

You’ll get the latest stock picks, current market outlooks, most profitable investing and trading strategies, and more when you attend the Show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Registration is free, so reserve your place today!